
tree genera Learn more about tree genera

  • What kind of flowers are suitable for growing indoors?

    What kind of flowers are suitable for growing indoors?

    What kind of flowers are suitable for growing indoors?

  • What kind of fruit do you grow at 1500 above sea level?

    What kind of fruit do you grow at 1500 above sea level?

    The growth of fruit also has something to do with altitude. The climate in places with higher elevations is generally colder, and not all fruits can be planted, so what kind of fruit can be planted at an altitude of 1500? 1500 meters above sea level is generally temperate, and most fruits can be grown.

    2020-11-08 Altitude 1500 planting what fruit growth and
  • Teach you to distinguish between the money tree and the money tree. Look at the leaf shape and recognize it.

    Teach you to distinguish between the money tree and the money tree. Look at the leaf shape and recognize it.

    The families and genera are different: the rich tree belongs to the genus kapok family, while the money tree belongs to the genus Amorphophallus of Araceae. The origin is different: the former is from Central America and the latter is from eastern Africa. Habits are different: the former likes wetter growth conditions.

  • Lacqueraceae antler paint

    Lacqueraceae antler paint

    Scientific name: Rhustyphina alias: Cerataceae: about 60 genera, more than 600 species, distributed in the global tropics and subtropics, a few extend to the north temperate zone. There are 16 genera and 54 species in China, which are mainly distributed in the provinces south of the Yangtze River. Morphological characteristics: shrubs or small trees, tree height 3-5m. Odd-pinnate compound leaves, 9-17 leaflets, lanceolate-oblong, long 5-12cm, round

  • Xiyin is suitable for indoor plants.

    Xiyin is suitable for indoor plants.

    1. Cymbidium is a very common shade-loving indoor plant, which has ornamental value. 2. Evergreen likes water and is suitable for hydroponics. It is cyan all the year round, which is very suitable for indoor breeding. 3. Taro is a kind of plant that likes shade and water. It doesn't like sunlight very much, but it is also suitable for indoor culture.

  • The difference between the latest Dutch iron and the dragon blood tree, which is easier to raise?

    The difference between the latest Dutch iron and the dragon blood tree, which is easier to raise?

    First, the difference between the two. 1. Different families and genera: from the perspective of classification, there is a great difference between the two. Dutch iron is a perennial woody plant of the genus Liliaceae, while the dragon blood tree is a tree of the genus agave family. Different families and genera mean that the genetic relationship is relatively distant, but

    2020-11-10 The latest Holland iron and dragon blood tree the difference which is better
  • The difference between the money tree and the money tree

    The difference between the money tree and the money tree

    The families and genera are different: the rich tree belongs to the genus kapok family, while the money tree belongs to the genus Amorphophallus of Araceae. The origin is different: the former is from Central America and the latter is from eastern Africa. Habits are different: the former likes wetter growth conditions, while the latter prefers dry growth conditions. The shape is different: the leaves of the former are not opposite, while the leaves of the latter are opposite.

  • How to grow succulent flaps

    How to grow succulent flaps

    Succulent plant is a plant with strong reproductive ability, not only the plant can survive, but also the picked leaf petal can survive, but we should pay attention to the method, so how to grow succulent petal? What families and genera are there in succulent plants? What are the breeding methods for succulent plants? Reproduction ratio of succulent plants

    2020-11-09 Succulent flaps how grow succulent yes reproduction ability very strong
  • What are the common varieties of pineapple plants? basic morphological characteristics and representative species of 9 genera

    What are the common varieties of pineapple plants? basic morphological characteristics and representative species of 9 genera

    What are the common species of the pineapple family? basic morphological characteristics of 9 genera and representative species many species of the pineapple family live on the branches of big trees, such as the species of the genus Pineapple. The fruit of this genus will crack when ripe.

  • Daily management and maintenance of jade affixes

    Daily management and maintenance of jade affixes

    Jade embellishment originated in Mexico and Honduras, alias jade sedum (Sedum morganianum), jade curtain, jade string, jade bead curtain. It is an evergreen or semi-evergreen succulent plant of the genus Sedum of the family Sedum. The name originated in Japan.

  • Taxus mairei

    Taxus mairei

    Taxus is distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. there are only 5 genera and 23 species of Taxus mairei in the northern hemisphere. there are only 5 genera and 13 species in China. This kind of plants naturally grow in coniferous or broad-leaved forests above 1200 meters above sea level. in the past 20 or 30 years, it is mainly focused on several species of Taxus, such as Taxus yunnanensis, Taxus yunnanensis, Taxus mairei and Taxus mairei. Taxus mairei is one of the precious tree species, with fine-grained wood, moisture-resistant and non-rotten wood, whirling in shape, medium green, wet and shady, so it has long been introduced as a multi-storey garden or shade planting by landscape gardeners.

  • Does the lovely thermostat rabbit and warm-blooded squirrel hibernate?

    Does the lovely thermostat rabbit and warm-blooded squirrel hibernate?

    Now more and more children like to raise rabbits and squirrels, but they sometimes ask whether these two animals hibernate? This makes it impossible for parents to answer at once. According to the relevant mammal data, the rabbit is a mammal and a thermostatic animal.

    2020-11-11 But love constant temperature animals rabbits and warm blood squirrels hibernation
  • What's the difference between a happiness tree and a fortune tree?

    What's the difference between a happiness tree and a fortune tree?

    What's the difference between a happiness tree and a fortune tree?

  • Sycamore family

    Sycamore family

    Latin name: Sterculiaceae English name: introduction to SterculiaFamily: trees or shrubs, sparse herbs or vines; often covered with stellate hairs; stem bark rich in fiber, often mucus. Leaves simple, palmately compound, alternate, sparsely opposite, stipules caducous. Inflorescences axillary, sparsely terminal, panicle, Cymes, racemes or corymbs, sparse flowers solitary; flowers unisexual, polygamous or bisexual; sepals 5 (3-4), slightly connate or separated, valvate; petals 5 or absent, separate or basally connate with androgynophore.

  • What are the vegetables of Solanaceae

    What are the vegetables of Solanaceae

    Solanaceae, a family of plants under the order Tubular Flowers, has about 80 genera and 3000 species, widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions, mainly in tropical America. There are about 115 species belonging to 25 genera in China, which are distributed in all provinces. Next, let's take an inventory of eggplant vegetables. Solanaceae vegetables are

    2020-11-09 Solanaceae vegetables which is tubular flowering
  • The difference between a squirrel and a mouse

    The difference between a squirrel and a mouse

    The difference between a squirrel and a mouse

  • What is the planting prospect of how many jin per mu of Myrtle?

    What is the planting prospect of how many jin per mu of Myrtle?

    Myrtle is a kind of wild fruit grown in the south, and it is also of great nutritional and medicinal value, so how many jin per mu does Myrtle produce? What are the planting prospects? How many jin of myrtle per mu: Myrtle is a kind of wild fruit in the south. A tree has about 5 jin of fruit, and a mu of myrtle can produce 400 jin of fruit.

  • Does metasequoia grow fast? Is Metasequoia a rare plant in China? how much is the price of Metasequoia bonsai?

    Does metasequoia grow fast? Is Metasequoia a rare plant in China? how much is the price of Metasequoia bonsai?

    Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a kind of Chinese fir tree, this kind of fir tree is gymnosperms cypress family, compared with other Chinese fir genera, this is a very special Chinese fir tree, its growth rate is also very fast, adaptability is also very strong, like the wet growth environment. Is it not?

    2019-04-02 Metasequoia glyptostroboides growing fast yes China rare plants bonsai
  • The difference between the Dutch iron and the dragon blood tree, which is easier to raise?

    The difference between the Dutch iron and the dragon blood tree, which is easier to raise?

    The difference between the Dutch iron and the dragon blood tree, which is easier to raise?

  • What kind of fruit tree is suitable for planting in the yard?

    What kind of fruit tree is suitable for planting in the yard?

    Some rural houses and villas will have small courtyards, we will also want to plant some fruit trees in the yard, so what fruit trees are better to plant in the yard? 1. Persimmons Persimmons are large deciduous trees of persimmon family and persimmon genus. They are a kind of positive trees.

    2020-11-08 yard planting what water fruit trees relatively suitable some rural